P1-170 Tobacco use among UAE nationals

Introduction Tobacco use is a major public health problem worldwide yet it is not well-studied in the UAE. We aimed to study the prevalence and patterns of tobacco consumption among UAE nationals.Methods We investigated 170 409 Nationals aged ≥18 years (46% males, 54% females) in a population-based screening program in Abu Dhabi residents from April 2008 to June 2010.Results The prevalence of smoking was 24.2% in males and 0.78% in females and highest in males aged 20–29 (27.4%) and 30–39 years (28.2%). Mean age (SD) of smokers was 32.8 (11.1) years, 32.7 (11.1) in males and 35.7 (12.1) in females. The mean age of onset of smoking was 22.2 (7.8) years overall, 22.4 (8.3) in cigarette smokers, 20.9 (6.7) in pipe (midwakh) smokers, 23.9 (8.1) in shisha smokers and 23.5 (8.4) in cigar smokers. Mean duration of smoking for cigarettes, shisha, pipes and cigars was 11, 8, 9 and 11 …

C Hajat, M Al-Houqani – Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 2011
Publication date
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health
Suppl 1
BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
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