The Future of Food to Tackle Climate and Health–Reflections from COP26

A shift in how we obtain protein from our diets, away from intensive farming and fishing, towards cleaner sources, be they animal or plant-based, will form an essential part of the solution to achieving the pledges formalised following COP26. This can be achieved through many different approaches including reduction, substitution, reducing the frequency of consumption, blending into hybrid products, and without the necessity of a complete eschewal of animal-based products. The new paradigm of ‘planetary health’, which focuses on the interdependence of human health, animal health and environmental health, will greatly facilitate meeting the ambitious and near-term targets set. This commentary discusses these issues in depth, with a focus on solutions to promote both planetary and human health in unison.

C Hajat, S Attwood – 2022
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OSF Preprints
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